三四小说网 > 都市言情 > 我做骚妻 > 第13部分



    “总能找到的吧!”说着,pc又往发言框里key了一行:hot uple seekg for party pal!


    “哎,又来了一个新的!”pc指着新蹦出来的一行字说,我凑过去看到一个叫niceway的人敲过来的一句话:what kd of party you gog to be?

    pc赶紧回复他:“it‘s a kd of hot partybeeen uples。”

    “would be any people there?”这个人还挺有意思,没有像其它人那样直接追问party的内容。

    “no,it‘s jt a private i party。”pc回答他。

    “who is the replease?”他在询问我们是谁。

    “,and y hband!”这个臭pc,居然是打着我的旗号在网上和人聊,难怪引来那么多苍蝇,搞不好这些人是以为我是鸡呢!

    “but i‘ afraid y wife uld here as she still  her birip,of urse,jt  case youthi your tart……”

    嗯,这个家伙听起来还蛮绅士的,我拉开pc,自己坐在计算机旁,我突然也想玩玩这个聊天游戏,总是听人家讲cyber sex,可是我一直都没什么兴趣,总觉得还是来真的比较过瘾。

    “you sure your wife is not here,and not you dare not show your dirtyidea?”我故意问他,搞不好又是一个背着老婆出来寻欢的,我最讨厌那样的人了。

    “dirty idea?i don‘t thk it’s adirty idea buddy,it‘s thg on for the uples’ga,isn‘t it?”


    “well,you are right,and that‘s why we are here talkg with you,boy”


    “by hoy,i‘ not sure if i uld persuade y wife g up withthis kd of party,”


    “but,i know she would like this kd of ga,as that is the ost favorite sex iage while we fug”

    “jt like ,wow……”我发现和他的聊天蛮有趣的,至少得到确认像我这样的女人不只我一个,看来女人是需要很多性的调剂的,只是在她一生的多数时间里,很少有女人可以正视自己的这种需求,更不用说得到另一半的理解和支持了,想到这里,我不由看了一眼我旁边看着我打字的pc,心里充满了感激。

    “yes,but,not like you,she still  kd traditional ese girl, she won‘t really jt jo this kd of party with anybody she don’tknow!”


    “,she prefer body she knowthen?”我故意这样去问,但是我知道这是不可能的。

    “of urse not,it would even be ore tough for one we know, ithk it‘s good for one we don’t

    know like you!”他所说的,其实也正是我和pc的想法,所以宁可在这远离家乡的地方尝试这样的游戏。

    “but,we have to fd one realiable!”我接过他的话说。

    “sure,and i thk you are realiable!”

    “why you thk ?”我反问他。

    “s,you are well educated,as yougot a perfeglish skill”其实这也是pc所想的,英文好的人至少有很好的教育背景,应该是相对互相会舒适一点,安全一点。

    “ylish is perfect either。”


    “thanks,i know y english not badas i‘ the ad of this english er!”原来这家伙是这个聊天室的斑竹啊,难怪呢。

    “and i watg you talkg withthe othersfor the party,that‘s whyi know what you are talkg about!”


    “that‘s good,good,”我和pc互相看了一下,和这个斑竹一起玩,应该会相对安全一些吧,真是巧了,不过这家伙身为斑竹